Wednesday, February 2, 2011

'L'illusionniste' Sylvain Chomet.

Cartel de 'El illusionista', una película de Sylvain Chomet, recientemente nominada a los Oscar .
Trabajar en esta película fué una experiencia intensa e interesante.

El dibujo de Tati pertenece a una de mis animaciones.

'The Illusionis't, Sylvain Chomet's movie has been nominated to the Oscar for the Best Animated Feature Film category.
Working in this project has been an intense and very interesting experience.
(On the cartel, the Tati's drawing belongs to one of my animations)

Tati in animation!

Estos son dibujos que pertenecen a algunas de las animaciones que realicé para 'El ilusionista'. Al principio no teniamos hoja de modelos y el personaje evolucionó poco a poco con nuestras animaciones .

All these drawings of Tati´s character belong to some animations I did in the movie "The Illusionist". We didn´t have model sheets in the beginning and the character developed little by little through our animations.

...If you want to see some of my
Line test for 'tHe IlluSionist', clic here!

Character design for 'The Illusionist'

Algunos ejemplos de diseño de personajes que realicé para 'El illusionista'. Algunos fueron utilizados otros no, de hecho de los que muestro aquí casi ninguno. Normalmente, S. Chomet los aprovaba borrando encima y redibujando, normalmente cambiando bastante la cara. Los ejemplos están tal cual los realicé yo.

This are some of the characters design that I did for this film, some were used some other not, some were changed and improved by S. Chomet, but I'm show here just what I did. Normally, at least in my case, when he liked them, he erased the drawing and redraw on it, making the main changes in the face.